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BdSN Bloodsugar-Diary
Association of diabetologists in North-Rhine (Germany)

Why our Bloodsugar-Diaries are the right choice for your doctors office:
The diabetologists of the BdSN develop and improve the contents of the Diaries since 2004
Own diaries represent your own competence
Independence from the pharmaceutical industry, no advertisements
Free availability of 7 different BZ diary types
Short term availability
Special booklets that did not exist before: gestational diabetes (yellow book), visually impaired (large red book), GDM in Turkish
A special dispenser shelf with coin slot simplifies the BZ diary distribution
An activity that usually costs many employees hours a year
Profit opportunity for the doctors office by selling the brochures for 1 € or 2 €
The neutral cover of the journal protects against discrimination as a diabetic.
Individual logo on request
BdSN Blutzuckertagebücher | ProGesundheit Verlag Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzuckertagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzucker Tagebuch Blutzuckertagebuch Blutzuckertagebuch Blutzuckertagebuch Blutzuckertagebuch
* einmalig für Arztpraxen / Kliniken/ Versandhändler und weitere gewerbliche Institutionen verfügbar. Nur für Neukunden! Nicht für Privatbesteller / Patienten. Diese klicken bitte hier!
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